Hot Lacrosse Buns Mar. 4


Hahaha…get it? Hot cross buns.. I love puns (if you were unaware). SO yet again..I’ve been slacking and would once again to apologize I will really try hard to stay on track as doing this blog really keeps me on track. To those of you that don’t believe writing your exercise down helps…you’re wrong because I stopped blog for what? Almost ten days and found myself way less motivated and started making excuses or putting off my exercise (it was a bad scene)

So it’s almost spring time which for me means it’s lacrosse season!! YAYYY! I am literally so excited and have found myself surprised that I can still catch the ball after so much time away from the sport. But anyway…I love it. My winter season is typically heavy on the Pilates and running because I have no additional sport but in the spring I have lacrosse so in all honesty I will start running closer to two miles than three.

Running: First, if you play lacrosse…you need to run. It’s a main part of the sport and speed is great but endurance is necessary. So train up even if it takes two months to feel comfortable running 2 or even one mile MAKE RUNNING S PRIORITY!

This week’s run: 25 mins. straight…no more breaks. I’m not gonna lie I have skipped yesterday and today because I hated it but thats not an excuse so tomorrow…hopefully it’s sunny in the AM because ill be running regardless.

Pilates: Still using blogilates and now we are in March!!! How crazy is that today I heard that I only have 13 weeks of school!! I am pumped and so ready to graduate! So…like the title of the blog work on your buns today!! A hot booty and strong legs will serve you well in lacrosse season!

Food: So not writing the blog honestly affected my food choices the most. I have cheated probably everyday…not necessarily in a big way but today was free pancake day for real…and well, you know. I got pancakes!

Breakfast: Apple (rushing out the door)

Lunch: Almonds, Apple, Kale smoothie, and a some cheese

Snack: Carrots

Dinner:…Pancakes, bacon

Late night snack: (shouldn’t have) some milk and a little bit of chicken

Ok so I really stopped following my meal plan the last couple of days…that’s going to change so tomorrow is a new day I will runs and well and have my senior project…YIKESS!

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